18 February 2023

Restoring and modifying an Onkyo TA-2055 cassette deck

This is the story of yet another cassette deck with the Sankyo single-capstan direct-drive mechanism. This transport was also used in the likes of the Kenwood KX-880 series and the Rotel RD-870. It probably pioneered in this Onkyo TA-2055 though.

I was always interested in finding a TA-2055: not only for its historical value, but also because it echoes the aesthetics of the huge TA-2070, the very first mega-deck I encountered as a kid.  (In a glossy leaflet, not in real life. Last year I could buy a serviced TA-2070 cheaply, but I let it pass, knowing that this is a Deck From Hell to maintain.)

My TA-2055 was cheap, came from Germany, and must have gone through hell itself because a simple impact to the shipping box had unsettled the record volume knob, the underlying metal frame bent beyond easy repair. In the end I managed to straighten out the volume pot by glueing layers of metal pieces to the bent frame, providing a flat substrate for the potmeter to get screwed onto.







Being a first-generation Sankyo mechanism it obviously used a rubber idle tyre for driving the reel hubs. The provided idler slipped, of course, so it was replaced first with a commercial one, then with a sanded O-ring. Both were not very good and kept slipping (note that a similar O-ring gives fine performance in my TA-2060). The pinch roller was replaced with a new one from https://fixyouraudio.com/.

Another problem was that friction made the cassette shell climb up on the take-up hub, to crash down when the friction on the idler no longer could balance gravity. This gave big transients in speed, as well as a tell-tale knocking sound. The culprit was found to be inadequate cassette clamping, courtesy of a narrow, flimsy clamp in the mechanism's top. The problem was solved by transplanting the wider, sturdier clamp from a Nak CR-2. This required cutting away some metal from the beauty plate.










After this there was still occasional slippage between plastic motor pulley and tyre. Here too a Nak reel drive was substituted, this time a leftover from the BX-125 I restored to great effect in 2018. This improved things somewhat, thanks to its brass pulley. But the idler remained troublesome, even with an ESLabs tyre one (allegedly the best, I hold these in store for my BX-300, when it needs it): after mere days it would start slipping again on the reel hubs. And it was impossible to transplant a gear drive because of the optical encoder patterns on the backs of both hubs. At any rate, such a transplant would be at the cost of the one still nice CR-1 kept here for spares. 











Then serendipity struck. While shopping on AliExpress for heads I stumbled over these idler wheels with tyres. (No, I don't like AliExpress: I find it perverse to purchase low-value goods and ship them around the globe, only this time I needed them.) Cheap as they were I bought two and put one in my BX-100, a totally exhausted parts machine, used as a slow winder. It was then left alone for days, normally enough to make its O-ring idler go hard and slip. Not this time, when I returned to it I found a still strong winding torque, in both directions. The secret is in the Chinese tyre's surface, which is pretty rough and spongy. In the long run such tyres may wear faster, but right now they are solving a major problem here. I purchased 12 more of them. (Edit September 2023: even these tyres were no long-term solution. In the end I transplanted a gear drive from a Nakamichi to the Onkyo.)






Another battle had to be fought on the wow&flutter front. Initially it was OKish, but after servicing the mechanism it got jumpy (the tyre stick-slipping, see above), and rising towards the end of the tape. Ultimately I was confronting figures like 0.12% WRMS, with a sharp drop-off in speed through time. Playing with the pinch roller pressure it was clear that at least some of the problem, the major speed loss, could be solved with increasing pressure. This was done by attaching the roller spring to a different point on the roller assembly. The contributions of all of the aforementioned measures got  wow&flutter down to a reasonable 0.057% WRMS average, climbing to 0.09% at the end of the tape. It is my theory that rising W&F and dropping speed are now caused mainly by a sticky back tension leaf spring, even though this was lubricated. The Onkyo's reel hubs being not compatible with CR-series hubs I could not transplant the latter's superior back tension coil springs.

Originally playback of the Hanspeter Roth 30Hz-18kHz response tape gave a declining frequency curve, as happens so often with decks of the early 80s. Moreover, the right channel dropped quicker, already 3dB behind the left channel at 10kHz. Seemingly incurable this imbalance suggested head wear, although microscope inspection merely hinted at a copper-coloured discontinuity near the right core. (Then again, my USB microscope is not exactly ideal for head inspection.) 












The permalloy head was replaced with a Sankyo Seiki 15RAA4 (of batch T2725), the same head used in the Nakamichi DR-8 and Tascam 112MkII models. While rather soft, it is unique in offering a narrow gap that affords a playback extension to beyond 20kHz, bettering the original head. And above all: 15RAA4s are still available and cheap. (A word of warning: head cable dressing is very important with this deck. With the cable routed just-not-right the head bridge would not come down completely after record or play!)

















Being permalloy too no major incompatibilities were to be expected. Once more playback of the Roth tape exhibited the trusted treble rolloff, and only a slight 0.5dB imbalance at 10kHz. (Yes, it should have been zero, but with 40 year old decks theory and practice seldomly go hand in hand.) This treble loss was addressed with a change of time constant in the replay amplifier, plus an additional shelf around 20kHz. Together these flattened the response.














Looking at the recording side bias could be tuned for a reasonably flat response, with Maxell UR 1994 extending beyond 20kHz, but with a 2dB plateau above 3kHz. This was of course expected, given that the replay frequency response had been modified. Consequently the record amplifier was adapted with a down-shelf at its input, plus a capacitor for boosting the high treble (see diagram). After this UR gave a well-extended and  reasonably flat response. At the same time the signal attenuators in front of the record amplifier were modified, thereby tuning the deck's record level properly for each of my three chosen tapes (not in the diagram).








SXII 1991 gave a similar result, but with still too much treble peaking and low MOL, calling for a higher bias. Common with many non-Nakamichis this deck only has one set of internal bias trimmers serving the three tape types together. Type switching itself is done with changing the supply voltage to the bias oscillator. This meant that increasing type II bias without affecting the other types could only be obtained by adding a resistor in parallel to the oscillator supply's path, boosting the supply voltage (also not shown in the diagram). This took laborious trial and error, each time connecting/disconnecting the mechanism and flipping the deck upside down. The result was a nice curve, extending to 19kHz.

Early tests with metal (type IV) gave a lot of treble peaking in Left, but drooping in Right. Tracing a 10kHz signal through the record amplifier revealed lacking level and instable signal in the right channel at the output of the opamp. This was quickly found to originate in a bad contact in the front metal type switch. Operating it a few hundreds of times solved the issue (these switches seemed near-impossible to open for cleaning, hence). Once fixed metal bias was also increased by raising the supply voltage. This time optimal flatness could not be reached, indicative of an underbiased condition with respect to the fixed recording equalisation.

Here are the rec/play responses for type IV, II, and I, taken at -20dB, -10dB, and 0dB. As usual when working on two-headers I start the plot at 200Hz: AudioTester does not like replay-time synchronising to signals at lower frequencies, so I tend to omit these. (The curve below 200Hz with MRX-Pro is to be ignored.) I also limited the sweeps to 20kHz at the top. As you can see, the -3dB points at -20dB for types I and II are 18kHz and 20kHz respectively, handsomely beating the deck's original specification of 15kHz and 17kHz!

With these bias levels the Maximum Output Levels (MOL, 3% THD) for Maxell UR, Maxell SXII (or UDII) and That's MRX-Pro were respectively +4.2dB, +2.5dB, and +2.7dB, relative to Dolby flux. 

The TA-2055 now mechanically in decent health, and electrically showing that  a neutral response with adequate dynamic range was possible it was time to safeguard the machine. Power supply capacitors were replaced with Panasonic FC and FR, and the signal path was dressed up with Nichicon Muse bipolars and Elna Silmics. Two 150nF polarised elcaps in the record amp were replaced with film caps. Where originally this deck sounded OK, but with a rather spotlit high midrange, now it had smoothed out a fair bit, sounding much more homogeneous and really not bad at all on UR and SXII. Metal remained a bit rough, but who in this age is going to use metal tape with such a deck anyway? (I find that metal should remain the domain of those decks that can really drive them hard, up to +10dB!)

23 October 2022

Restoring an NAD 6340 cassette deck

When it comes to cassette decks one does not immediately think of NAD, right? Technological development, especially at the frenetic pace of the late 1970s and early 1980s, normally was the domain of the large, mostly Japanese, manufacturers. And yet, New Acoustic Dimension has had its share of firsts, such as the 6150C pioneering Dolby C in 1981.

In the period 1987-1989 NAD launched a triumvirate that always remained somewhat unique, these being the only decks ever that combined the Bang & Olufsen-invented Dolby HX Pro with Tandberg's Dyneq in a bid to solve one of cassette's most obvious problems: treble saturation. The low speed and high noise of cassette demands that treble be 'forced' onto the tape with aggressive record equalising boost. This pushes the treble signal close to, and over, the tape's limit, leading to self-erasure and thus squashed treble dynamics, a problem that is less severe at higher speeds such as 9.5 and 19 cm/s. Further, treble saturation grows worse with increased bias strength. Given that the actual bias applied to the tape is the sum of the bias signal and the high-frequency part of the music signal itself, it figures that the saturation level jumps up and down with the music, being the worst when this has the most negative effect. HX Pro sought to solve this, varying the bias signal inverse proportionally with the music signal, thereby keeping actual bias (more or less) constant.

Accompanying treble saturation is intermodulation distortion: strong treble applied to a tape in its saturation region generates sum and difference components, which materialise as anharmonic distortion in the midrange, muddling the sound. Tandberg Dyneq attacked this problem by wilfully reducing recording-time treble boost in the presence of treble peaks. True, this seems counter-productive in that it diminishes the level of the treble being laid down on tape, but at least intermodulation distortion is avoided.

HX Pro and Dyneq were combined in the NAD 6300 Monitor, 6100 Monitor, and 6340 decks. The 6300 was a top-of-the-line product, metal-cased, with three heads and the Sankyo double-capstan direct-drive mechanism famous from decks such as the Nakamichi CR-4/5/7, BX-300, and Onkyo TA-2070. The 6100 was a 6300-lookalike (but made from plastic), with a much simpler two-motor belt-drive transport, and two heads. The 6340 was essentially the same deck as the 6100, but in a more traditional NAD livery, with mechanical counter, and without remote control. Several versions of the 6100/6340 decks exist, assembled in Malaysia, Taiwan (ROC) or China (PRC). All of them have external bias control, the 'Car' dynamics compressor, as well as NAD's 'Play Trim' equaliser. The latter is a treble control situated before the Dolby decoder, helping reduce Dolby mistracking in case of worn tapes and/or azimuth incompatibility; Play Trim was also licensed to Yamaha and Uher.

Some people on forums like http://www.tapeheads.net attribute near-magical properties to these three NADs, enough to give them a try. I made my first acquaintance in medio-2018, with a 6100 Monitor, near-mint and complete with its remote control. I wanted to evaluate it specifically as a player for digitising a couple of 'difficult' Dolby C cassettes, including an XLI-S peaking at +14dB(!). After a transport service, mounting a generic new drive belt, and full realignment I was not overwhelmed: metal tape MOL was low, the replay frequency response showed a shelved-down treble (even with Play Trim at its maximum), and sound was slightly phasey and insubstantial. Ultimately a Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 sounded quite a bit better on those tapes, and the 6100 was quickly sold.

Wondering what all the fuzz was about I lost interest in this family. Until in summer 2022 a defective 6340 crossed my path. For some reason I picked it up, paused my other restoration project (a nice Technics SL-7), and got to work.

The minimalistic, cheap, yet efficient mechanism was in disarray and partial disassembly due to the former owner's  failed attempt at belt replacement. But luckily the microswitch hidden behind the head bridge raising wheel  was still whole, even if slightly bent. The transport was taken apart, cleaned, lubricated, and reassembled with a new belt (from https://www.electro-andijk.nl). Replacing the belt involves splitting the mechanism and doing battle with a very finicky spring that has to grab a white lever (see first photo below), then wrap around its post and grab the backplate (second photo). Not fun. You also have to ensure that the control cam wheel is positioned correctly and goes through the right moves when the solenoid is activated: you can find (someone else's) movie of this here, you may want to look at it in slow motion. (Some people advocate not opening the mechanism at all, but rather slipping the belt between the back plate and the flywheel. This of course brings the risk of soiling the new belt with grease. Beware.) The microswitch was straightened out. I also deactivated the tape sensor switch, so that the deck could be operated without cassette, handy for test and debug. Speaking about ... the 6340 is not very friendly on the workbench: no headphone output, and a bathtub construction, i.e. without direct access to the board's solder side.











At this stage the mechanism worked, more or less, but winding was sloooow, and many tapes could not be played to their end. Continuing the service with the front-side of the transport it emerged that the reel hubs were as good as glued to their axles by dried-up grease. The pinch roller had visible scratches around its circumference and had to be replaced. (Remarkably that 6100 I once had suffered from exactly the same problem.) I also added a suppression capacitor to the reel motor, something that is normally present in every deck. After this it held speed well, but wow&flutter was a highish 0.09% WRMS. Spectral analysis in the T-100 app revealed this to be made up of mostly deep wow and high-frequency flutter, both with little direct audibility, even on piano music. Closer inspection of the roller revealed it had a bit of a wobble, i.e. eccentricity. A fresh roller from https://fixyouraudio.com/ cured this, bringing long-term averaged W&F down to less than 0.07% WRMS, a fine result for this simple mechanism.










My China-made 6340 has a (Canon?) HAJCH4544 permalloy head, the same as my, also Chinese, 6100 Monitor. It is known that some 6340s came with a different head, and so may sound different. The head needed nothing more than a gentle cleaning to look presentable again, without any visible wear.










Tracing the Hanspeter Roth 70us 31.5Hz to 18kHz playback  cassette, after taking a lot of care to adjust azimuth to it, showed the response to be essentially flat to the treble, with less than 1dB of channel imbalance, and with a little bit of high treble loss in the right channel. All in all a much better result than my 6100 Monitor ever managed.










These decks have an extra-ordinary amount of trimmers for adjusting replay and, specifically, recording, almost on a par with Nakamichi. After a couple of hours patiently adjusting I got very flat and extended curves on all three tape types, i.e. Maxell UR 1994, Maxell SXII 1991 (close to TDK SA and the post-1987 IEC 2 norm), and That's MRX-Pro 1986. At 20dB below Dolby level the -3dB treble limits were resp. 18kHz, 19kHz, and beyond 20kHz for the three tape types. At 0dB, Dolby level, the responses were nothing special, except for metal tape.

(When working on 2-head decks I only plot the response above 200Hz, due to the unwillingness of the Audiotester software to synchronise easily to LF signals. Here I took the effort to look at bass once, with SXII, see bottom graph.)

As there is only one trimmer set for record level this was set for type I, i.e. UR, as this type is the most plausible to be used with Dolby. Still, the other tape types landed within +/-0.5dB from this setting, which is perfectly acceptable.

Even with these small level errors Dolby encoding/decoding is not very accurate, despite the use of the excellent Sony CX20188 chip. Moreover, a leaked 30kHz component from my sound card (replaced since with a cleaner one) totally threw off Dolby C, unless the MPX filter was engaged. No other deck here responded that bad to these signals. Then again, let's not forget that this is an entirely artificial test regime, pushing Dolby in a worst case scenario that bears no resemblance to actual music!

Maximum Output Level, i.e. the level at which a 400Hz tone has 3% third harmonic distortion, was respectively 4.5dB, 4.0dB, and 5.0dB: an excellent result, especially for a two header, and again superior to my NAD 6100. With SXII bias noise is -54dB or -58.5dB(A). With the +4.0dB MOL this yields a dynamic range of 62.5dB.

Sonically this deck is clean, lithe, with fair dynamics and a remarkable lack of grunge. Yet, despite the reasonable MOL measurements it does not really like to be pushed hard. Still, overall a surprisingly nice deck, capable of fine results with a minimum of fuzz. But given the difference with that 6100 Monitor I once had, it seems you have to be lucky enough to get a good one ... and this is a good one!


21 February 2022

Restoring and modifying an Onkyo TA-2060 cassette deck


Cassette mechanisms are a specialty component. It is not surprising that in the late 1970s the large consumer electronics manufacturers started outsourcing their mechanisms from expert OEMs that themselves remained in the shadows.

In 1981 Onkyo's new top-of-the-line deck TA-2070 debuted with a double-capstan brushless direct-drive transport made by Sankyo Seiki. This transport and its later derivatives would garner some fame: by 1982 it got picked up by none other than Nakamichi, replacing the legendary 'classic' Nak mechanism. Today the Sankyos are known as high-quality, not without flaws and problems, but generally easily and reliably to repair and maintain.

I always wondered what came before the TA-2070, before 1981? Surely the Sankyo mechanism did not emerge perfectly-formed onto the scene, and must have had an ancestor? Something to bridge between the relatively crude transport of Sankyo's own late 70s STD-3000 three-headed deck and the (seemingly) svelte TA-2070.

Earlier Onkyo's top position was taken by the TA-2080, a typical late-seventies mega-deck: bulky, complex, proprietary. Then 1980 saw the arrival of the sexy two-head TA-2050, and somewhat later the three-head TA-2060, both with the same single-capstan direct-drive mechanism. A mechanism almost as simple as possible: the direct-drive capstan motor, a reel motor with idler connection to the hubs, a single large solenoid for raising the head bridge via a yoke. Reel braking is done via electromagnetical brakes in both hubs, the supply-side brake also being used to generate back tension. This mechanism abolished a great deal of mechanical parts in favour of electronic control. This should have been a huge success (read on), but only a few Onkyos used this particular configuration before it disappeared again. (The other early adopters, 1981's Sansui D-350M and D-550M, reverted to belt-generated back tension and mechanical brakes actuated by a second solenoid. Later Sankyo mechanisms followed this scheme, ultimately replacing the control solenoids with the cam motor that by now is infamous for its dead-spot problems.)











The only extra in the TA-2060 is a belt connection from the supply hub to a rotating magnet and Hall sensor. These are used as a motion detector, and not for back tension as the picture may lead you to believe. This detector controls the autostop regime, and also provides speed feedback to the back tension regulator sitting on a circuit board behind the mechanism. 

The direct drive motor is a brushed type of large dimensions, hidden in a rubber sock for vibration and noise control. In use it emits a faint hum. This motor can be taken apart for servicing relatively easily.

Transport maintenance

After the reconstruction of my mechanism it got plagued with violent speed instabilities. This was caused by an intermittent short between the motor control PCB and the bottom-left post of the mechanism. I painted the top of that post red (you can see it in above picture) for improved isolation. 

Reel drive is via the usual rubber idler wheel. I replaced it with a slightly-sanded o-ring of similar dimensions.


After servicing wow& flutter initially looked very promising, being low both at the beginning and the end of the tape. It was a major disappointment then when a full 45 minute run (see above, blue curve) saw W&F grow chaotically towards the end, with an unacceptable performance in the second half of the tape. 

From my first quick trials I knew that W&F quickly measured at the end of the tape was pretty good, so something strange was going on. I let the deck rest for a few hours, and then made a second run with the same cassette, now starting half-way the tape. And see, wow& flutter was significantly lower (orange curve)!

Spectral analysis of the raw signal of the speed tape showed a dramatic broadening of the signal peak with progressing time, indicating severe drift and very low-frequency wow (blue: start of tape; pink: end of tape). Music would probably be unlistenable!

After more experiments (not that many: there is only so much one can try with such a simple mechanism) I concluded that back tension got instable with time, possibly the electromechanical brake warming up?

Despondently I walked away from this problem and finished the rest of the work. After final reassembly of the deck I ran another speed test, and what happened?

A nice average wow&flutter of 0.041% WRMS, only slowly rising with time. And this result was perfectly repeatable. So what happened?

Here is my theory: The Onkyo is not very service friendly. The mechanism has connectors on its control and supply cables, but the head cables are soldered or wirewrapped at both ends. Operating the mechanism outside of the deck is only possible by laying it on its back on a cushion of bubblewrap on top of the main board. I am assuming now that this horizontal orientation messed with the operation of the electromagnetic brake. Perhaps something in the reel hub produced excess stick-slip friction with rising temperature ...


While a basic three head deck the 2060 has two interesting features. Firstly, it is one of the rare decks equipped with Dolby HX, the original treble headroom expander (more on that anon). And secondly it has Onkyo's 'AccuBias' assisted bias adjustment scheme. The latter alternatingly records tones at 333Hz and 10kHz while the user tweaks the fine bias knob on the front, attempting to make the level of both tones equal as indicated on the needle meters. The test tone oscillators output triangle signals, and not sines. That is somewhat curious, but it seems to work well enough ...
Once the transport was running reliably I could try a first few record/play frequency sweeps for Maxell UR 1994 and SXII 1991 (nearly a TDK SA clone):

As you see these curves are remarkably flat and well-extended, with the little channel imbalance boding well for head health. At 0dB (Dolby level, 218nWb/m) the loss is 5 to 6dB at 10kHz. This is not bad at all, perhaps typical for the late 1970, but many later decks performed much better in this respect. It might well be that the designers were cavalier about treble saturation, after all they had ... Dolby HX.

However, against the sublime -20dB rec/play frequency curves the playback-only response was disappointing (Hanspeter Roth 30Hz to 18kHz frequency burst cassette, after careful azimuth alignment):









A smoothly down-tilted response, levelling out above 6kHz. That 18kHz was reached without severe roll-off indicated fine alignment and no severe head wear. However, the total deviation being 4dB between bass and treble must be very audible. And indeed, playing prerecordeds  or cassettes made on my Naks the high treble was present, but subdued, and the overall sonic picture was rather lethargic. I've said it before and will repeat it again: people keep on nagging about Nakamichi's presumed violation of the cassette replay standards (too much treble), but many other manufacturers did the same but in the opposite direction (too little treble), in a bid for artificially-enhanced signal-to-noise figures and brand lock-in.

With those admirably flat rec/play responses and a down-tilted playback response it has to follow that the record-response would be severely up-tilted. Recording white noise on the Onkyo and playing it back on the BX-300 confirmed this: blue/red Onkyo playback; green/pink Nakamichi playback.

Conclusion: the TA-2060 has by design a low compatibility with other machines and with commercially recorded cassettes. 

What is needed is an upward shelf in the playback chain, and a downward shelf in the recording chain. Luckily both proved very easy to implement. Contrary to most decks the Onkyo has an extra single-transistor gain stage between the replay amplifier and the Dolby decoder: Q105. Putting an RC network in its feedback tail provided the required treble-boosting shelf. A passive RC network in front of the recording amplifier did almost exactly the opposite, netting again a flat response. Both networks use the same component values, 5n6 and 10k, but that is entirely a coincidence.










Not only does this make the deck more compatible, it also helps with its record frequency responses. Remember the relatively high loss due to treble saturation? The new record equaliser drives less treble onto the tape, thus there is less saturation. The deficit is made up in playback. Of course there is a price to pay: playback noise. More on that later.

The TA-2060 has one set of internal bias settings and record level settings, and no external record level adjust: some choices were to be made.

I set the internal alignment for Maxell SXII 1991. Maxell UR 1994, after adjustment with AccuBias, then was 0.3dB short in record sensitivity, a perfectly acceptable figure.  Sony Metal XR 1992, however, required the fine bias control at its minimum and then showed a sensitivity of -1.4dB. Not so nice!

Relative to Dolby level MOL was +4.4dB and  +3.5dB for type I and II, but a very poor +0.4dB for type IV. Clearly some more effort was needed to make metal tape work on this deck. Putting 1n8 in parallel to C255 boosts high treble during recording type IV. Compensating this with higher bias (+3 on the AccuBias knob) then yields a flat(tish) response and MOL at +2.6dB. Acceptable, though clearly still underbiased. Not much can be done about this: higher treble peaking in the record equaliser would call for more bias to compensate, and with the limited range of AccuBias this would move the bias window for types I and II away from their sweet spot.

You will remember from before that the unmodified deck's saturation performance limited treble extension on the 0dB and -10dB curves, with -3dB already being reached well below 10kHz. With the modified record and playback equalisers this improved significantly, as can be seen in the following frequency sweeps (top to bottom UR, Metal XR, SXII):

Finally it is time to have a look at Dolby HX. HX uses part of the Dolby B circuit (it cannot be operated on its own) for estimating the amount of treble in the incoming signal. This is then used to control a bias servo, alongside some dynamic equalisation. The aim is to reduce bias in the presence of strong music programme treble, thus avoiding saturation. Let's have a look at SXII with Dolby B, and then with Dolby B + HX (note that this is on the modified deck, already with improved saturation characteristics):

The Dolby B curves are remarkably flat, indicating excellent tracking. Adding Dolby HX then clearly extends the treble limits of the 0dB and -10dB curves, as intended, but also depresses treble by more than 1dB in a wide band starting from 4kHz, something unintended and audibly counterproductive. The same phenomenon was mentioned in High Fidelity magazine's review of the Harman Kardon HK-705 in August 1980. It is clear why Dolby Labs quickly abandoned the complex and costly HX in favour of Bang&Olufsen's HX Pro: it did not really work.

The output of the deck in play mode had some 50Hz/100Hz pollution in the left channel. Placing a thin shield of mu-metal between power transformer and tape mechanism knocked this down by 2dB or so, making both channels equal.  Playing without cassette, or equally a bulk-erased BASF Chromdioxid II, had playback noise at -52.5dB and -58.8dB(A) relative to Dolby level. The no-cassette A-weighted result is 6dB worse than the Nakamichi BX-300. Moreover, the large difference between unweighted and weighted noise levels indicates the presence of more than average low-frequency garbage.  This is not the quietest deck, and with the sub-optimal MOLs also not the most dynamic one. But let's not forget that it hails from 1981, when cassettes themselves were also much noisier than in the 1985-1994 period.

Sonically the TA-2060 is a bit lean, but it sounds detailed and clean in a friendly way, its character a bit like an LFD amplifier. As can be deduced from the low MOLs it does not like recording at high levels: +3dB really being the limit for type II, even less when the music is bass-heavy: 100Hz MOL is barely 0dB. The needle peak meters indicate pulses of 50ms duration or longer more or less correctly, but they under-read 10ms pulses by 3-4dB.